I think that the difference in age is not so felt when you are already not very young and not very adult. It seems that the difference in age when Ukrainian girl is 30 and man is 45 may turn out more acceptable for partners than when woman is 40 and man is 55 or when Ukrainian girl is 20 and man - 35. With such combination 30-45, on my opinion, there is less social factors that can exert pressure.
Besides, I think that in case of marriage between Ukrainian girl and western man one should use notion of psychological age. If feel yourself comfortable with the person who is elder then you and it’s not interesting for you to communicate with age-mates, well then you are combine on your psychological age. It often happens. What is psychological age? It is person’s experience, values, which he practices, plans on future, circle of interests – it is whole complex of factors that allows – for some extent relatively of course as the whole scale – to identify internal, psychological but not physical age of person. Roughly speaking, man can be an adolescent even in his 40.
That is why marriages where one partner is considerably elder then the other are as a rule ber then marriages where spouses are of the same age. Because in such “unequal” on age marriages partners often find harmonious, psychologically steady and stable relationships – sometimes after unhappy experience with the age-mates. And almost every marriage with Ukrainian girl is a good example of this.
Plus for this what is called “it depends on person”. If the one who is elder in couple at least tolerantly treats, for example, active way of life (sport, journeys, and meeting with friends) of the one who is younger, or take an active part in that active way of life then such relations will be comfortable for both. That’s why if you feel that you feel good, interesting and wonderful with the person who is elder then you’d probably better listen to your internal voice.
The only factor where difference in age between Ukrainian girl and man can play negative part partially is maybe the question of giving birth. Here you should think seriously about health of both parents so that children would be healthy. However there are a lot of examples where in very unequal on age marriages wonderful healthy children are born!
And the last finding. Ukrainian girl (I mean not only Ukrainian girl of course but the whole former USSR too) - from 25 and older – often get married with foreigners who are 7 years older or more. Of course it is not the universal formula, but there are a lot of such couples among my friends.