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Anna: My biggest desire in life is to find a love t...

  • 29 лет женщина, Зодиак: Скорпион
  • Lviv, Украина
  • Английский(Хорошо), Немецкий(Средний уровень)
  • Art design company
  • без детей
  • Был(а) в онлайне: Несколько секунд назад
  • E-Mail или ID: 1001853952
 Trust Level -  100%
Private details and contact information
Личная информация
Пол женщина
Дети без детей
Хочу завести еще детей Возможно
Рост 5'6" - 5'7" (166-170см)
Тип тела Атлетическое
Этническая принадлежность
Религия Христианин
Матримониальное положение
Образование Высшее
Доход $30,000-$50,000/в год
Курильщик Нет
Пьющий Нет
Информация о человеке, которого вы ищете
Я ищу мужчина
Ищу в возрасте 25-60
Ищу, требования к росту 5'6" - 5'7" (166-170см)
Ищу, требование к типу телосложения Атлетическое
Знакомство Брак, Отношения
  • Друзья:
My biggest desire in life is to find a love that will be full of bright colors and colorful divination, like my work in art design. Looking for my other half, I strive to find a partner who can share my passion for creativity and art, who will be compassionate and open to everything new, and I believe that a common passion can bring us closer together.

I want to have someone who understands my need for creativity and inspiration, who will be able to inspire me and see the world as I am. my dream is to have a partner who will share the joy and energy of creativity with me, who will always be on my side walking through life.
Описание идеального партнера:
Keeping a close eye on my heart and soul, I look for someone who knows how to warm my inner fire. My ideal interlocutor is a person who is able to view the world in all its complexity. He is a bright kaleidoscope of talents that will shine uncontrollably, giving light to others. He is gifted with patience, which fills his life with colors, without limiting it to anything. Not only the ability to see beauty in every detail, but also the ability to convey your inner harmony and wisdom in your actions and words - that's what I'm looking for. His ability to empathize and understand others creates an emotional depth that is difficult to recreate.

I am looking for a person who knows how to admire life in all its fullness and brightness. I am sure that having found such a person, I will no longer want to let him go. Holding hands and moving along the path of life is my only desire.
ДатаTitleWidth x РостDurationView
2024-01-25Backstage464 x 848 0:25View
2024-06-19Flowery mood720 x 1280 0:19View
2024-06-19Some rest640 x 1136 0:16View
2024-06-19Happy me720 x 1280 0:20View
2024-06-19Animals time640 x 1210 0:27View
2024-06-19Night chill720 x 1280 0:16View
2024-06-19A little bit of foam720 x 1280 0:42View
2024-06-19At home720 x 1280 0:16View
2024-06-19Something special720 x 1280 0:15View
2024-06-19Rest time720 x 1280 0:24View
2024-06-19Kiss from me 720 x 1280 0:19View
2024-06-19Me in regular life720 x 1280 0:20View
2024-06-19Backstage720 x 1280 0:15View
2024-06-19Swing in the mountains720 x 1280 0:27View
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